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Experiments at the FRS:

Year Beam Number Spokesperson Title
2024 12C G-22-00118 Gernhäuser, Roman, TU München, DE R3B - 2023 COMMISSIONING
2024 12C G-22-00111 Chudoba, Vratislav, Silesian Univ., CZ Towards limits of nuclear structure by using a 9C beam
2024 12C BIO Durante, Marco, GSI Darmstadt, DE BARB
2024 18O G-22-00091 Petri, Marina, York Ac, GB Probing nucleon-nucleon correlations in atomic nuclei via (p,pd) QFS reactions
2024 170Er G-22-00100 Albers, Helena, GSI Darmstadt, DE Structure of neutron-rich, rare-earth nuclei far from stability
2024 100Mo G-22-00160 Scheidenberger, Christoph, GSI Darmstadt, DE FRS developments for APPA and NUSTAR experiments: Performance improvements and R&D work with heavy-ion beams
2024 100Mo G-22-00092 Wimmer, Kathrin, GSI Darmstadt, DE Testing diamond detectors for development of an active target
2024 100Mo G-22-00143 Vencelj, Matjaz, IJS Ljubljana, SI TEST of DESPEC Fibre Impanter (FIMP)
2024 238U G-22-00117 Constantin, Paul, NIPNE, RO In-cell multi-nucleon transfer reactions at the FRS Ion Catcher - a new perspective towards broadband heavy neutron-rich isotope studies with stable and unstable beams
2024 238U G-22-00179 Mollaebrahimi, Ali, JLU, DE First test of MNT reactions with secondary beams at the FRS Ion Catcher
2024 238U G-22-00180 Grahn, Tuomas, JYU, FI Measurement of production cross sections of neutron-deficient fragments in the range of Z=82 to Z=89 in the reaction 238U+9Be
2024 238U G-22-00182 Zhao, Jianwei, GSI Darmstadt, DE Fission isomer studies with the FRS
2024 238U G-22-00181 Reiter, Peter, Uni Köln, DE Extending the quest towards the N=126 r-process waiting point

Files of experiments:

14N and 238U beam:

Engineering run in November 2023

12C and 18O beam:

Experiment S111 in February 2024

Experiment S118 and S091 in February 2024

BARB experiment in February 2024

170Er beam:

Experiment S100 in April 2024

100Mo beam:

Experiment S092, S143 and S160 in May 2024

238U beam:

Experiment S117 in May 2024

Experiment S179 in May 2024

Experiment S180 in May 2024

Experiment S181 in June 2024

Experiment S182 in June 2024

FRS Detector:

Time Projection Chamber (TPC)

Further Links:

Link to GSI accelerator operation log (O-Log)

Link to GSI radiation monitor (sist-dl)

Link to GSI beamtime schedules

Link to Publications of the Super-FRS Collaboration


Link to Go4 website

Link to MBS website

Link to MOCADI website

Link to GICOSY website

Link to web-ATIMA , link to ATIMA online calculator and link to ATIMA website

Link to EPAX 3.1 online calculator

Link to COFRA online calculator

last update, 26. August 2024 (Christine Hornung)